Feb 03, 2025
Für eine ökologische Ethik: Moral des Handelns oder Ethik der Unterlassung?
In der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts wuchs das Bewusstsein der ökologischen Gefahr, die Idee eines zerstörerischen Ungleichgewichts, das sich zwischen Natur und Mensch etabliert hatte. So scheint der Traum der Moderne, uns „zum Herrn und Meister der Natur zu machen“, langsam zu entschwinden. Unsere Umwelt zu erhalten ist zu einer bloßen Notwendigkeit geworden, um der menschlichen Gattung die Möglichkeit zu geben, sich selbst zu erhalten. Dieser Artikel untersucht zwei Perspektiven f¨ür eine ökologische Ethik unserer Zeit.
Sep 11, 2024
The Pineapple syndrom: welcome to the Age of Impatience
Within a lifetime, we have seen a dramatic shift in how goods and experiences are available to us. Things that were scarce and precious became ubiquitous, and access became quite easy. Without a doubt, this shift from scarcity to abundance improved the quality of life in many respects, yet it also rewrote basic human behaviors and expectations. We have little patience for whatever does not amuse us instantly. How to keep the power of concentration, of perseverance, of working hard for long stretches of time toward a goal, defining characteristics of humankind?
Apr 20, 2024
The Acceptability of Norms: A Challenge of Our Time
Nowadays, the term "norm" does not have a good reputation. The public perception is one of an accumulation of increasingly complex and distant norms. Of a technocratic superstructure where economic power dominates and dissolves political power. This growing public perception of the distant and technocratic nature of increasingly numerous norms results in a decreasing acceptance from citizens. How, then, to renew in our contemporary societies the acceptability of norms after the collapse of traditional authorities that founded their legitimacy for several centuries?
Mar 17, 2024
The ecological challenge: reconciling progress and care for posterity
"Grandpa! Have you any idea of the CO2 footprint of your huge rib steak here ? You should eat less meat!" Laura says reproachfully and with a slightly smug air. Despite all the love he has for his granddaughter, Edouard immediately takes on the colour of the generous rib steak in front of him. Soon the tone rises: "postmodern!", "anthropocentric!", "anti-speciesist!", "cartesian!". If ecological engagement sometimes unleashes passions, it is because it does not call into question only a few consumption habits, but rather some of our fundamental representations of the world and humanity.
Dec 09, 2023
La symbolique de la 2CV
Depuis quelques années fleurissent dans l’hexagone les "balades en 2cv", initiées par l’entreprise visionnaire "4 roues sous un parapluie". Chaque année ce sont des milliers de touristes de toutes nationalités qui, tout sourire, l’air émerveillé, et avec une délectation visible, se serrent à l’arrière de ce véhicule étroit, inconfortable, lent et bruyant à travers les villes et les campagnes de France. D’où vient donc cette fascination mondiale pour l'un des véhicules les moins équipés et les moins performants jamais conçus?
Nov 12, 2023
Transformation éthique du concept de postérité
Dans ce texte remarquable et toujours d'actualité bien qu'il date de trente ans (1992), Monique Castillo explore deux approches philosophiques du rapport de l’homme à la nature et aux générations futures. Sur quelle base donc fonder notre engagement et notre responsabilité vis-à-vis de la nature et des générations futures : une morale de l’autonomie centrée sur les hommes, ou une éthique de la nécessité, centrée sur la nature? En d’autres termes, une morale de l’action motivant un engagement vis-à-vis de la postérité, ou éthique de l’abstention où la responsabilité précède la volonté?
Nov 11, 2023
What can philosophy bring to business management?
What is the role of philosophy in business? A majority of executives, faced with the need to be competitive, would probably reject the question itself, with a "what do we care?" attitude. Indeed, a still widespread corporate mindset considers the "humanities" as a charming but useless hobby. The concern of contemplatives, so to speak. In business, one might say, we don't have the luxury of contemplation. In the reign of competition, there would therefore be little room for the abstract and inapplicable considerations of a few enlightened people who have really too much free time.
Apr 11, 2023
ChatGPT and the Three Illusions
Since its release in November 2022, ChatGPT is the new big thing in town, in turn attracting attention to large language models (LLM) more broadly, and to the progress of artificial intelligence (AI) in general. The purpose of this article is to address what I call the Three Illusions of AI: the illusion of truth, the illusion of neutrality and the illusion of thinking, and to open the discussion on the difference between intelligence and inspiration, between generating and creating.
Dec 11, 2020
The ESG Rush in wealth management – It’s time to be bold
Only a few years ago, investment funds embedding sustainability (or ESG, "Environmental, Social, Governance") criteria in their investment process were a small subset of the global fund industry - not to say a niche market. In just a couple of years, the consumer demand for ESG compliant products and services has risen dramatically. This newborn passion of sellers and buyers for investment products claiming compliance with ESG principles should however be regarded with some caution and reservation.