Search by tag: #ai

RiteAID - a compelling case for ResponsibleAI

The RiteAID scandal, a couple of years ago, is among my favorite ones to explain what IA bias is. Because it got relatively low media coverage in Europe, it is an interesting case of lectures and conferences. From 2012 until 2020, Rite Aid, a pharmacy chain in the US, installed facial recognition technology in hundreds of stores in hopes it would deter theft. What happened then?

The term "ResponsibleAI" will become obsolete as high-quality, trustworthy and safe Al becomes the norm. Just as we don't distinguish between "bridges" and "bridges that don't collapse", the qualifier "responsible" will become an unspoken expectation.

Who still remembers Theseus?

In the history of ancient Greek mythology, Theseus is the hero who navigated a labyrinth to defeat the Minotaur and ensure his escape by following a thread back to safety, given to him by Ariane. For those of us who are passionate about the history and potential of artificial intelligence, however, Theseus may evoke another thing altogether—a small, wooden mouse that represented some of the earliest but most impressivve steps in the development of artificial intelligence.

AI at the service of humanity: AI to help in the face of floods?

We still remember the two flash floods in Afghanistan in July 2023, the massive loss of life in Libya in September 2023 (5,000 deaths!), or even recently in China where floods and landslides were devastating. The floods in Qatar in April 2024 and images of the submerged airport and highways also made headlines. These events are no longer exceptions: they occur more and more frequently and now extend to all continents. A number of companies have worked over the past year on developing #AI solutions to help humans manage the risks associated with such flooding.

AI at the service of humanity: can AI contribute to "greening" the maritime sector?

At a time when environmental issues are increasing, could AI help us preserve resources, while promoting the continued progress of humanity? The maritime sector is a vital player in the global economic system, with a total value of goods transported estimated at $14 trillion in 2023 according to UNCTAD. But it also represents around 2 to 3% of global CO2 emissions and contributes significantly to marine pollution. We must therefore manage the dilemma which requires that our societies continue to participate in global economic exchanges while preserving our environment.

“GreenAI”: now we start to get the figures of AI’s ecological footprint

There is no doubt that AI brings a lot of opportunities to support humanity’s efforts to address the ecological challenges of our time, mostly through efficiency gains. But AI’s very obvious ecological drawback is, of course, its energy consumption, and the balance we need to strike between its potential ecological benefits and its expected ecological harms. Recent sustainability reports of large American companies give us insights to finally start estimating this ecological impact concretely.

Journée d'échange sur l'IA le 13 juin à Paris

La mise à disposition publique de ChatGPT en novembre 2022 a suscité une vague d’intérêt soudaine de la part du grand public pour l’intelligence artificielle (IA). Pourtant cela fait déjà plusieurs années que, sous des formes moins visibles, l’IA s’est immiscée dans nos vies sans que nous en ayons toujours conscience. Le 13 juin, j'aurai l'honneur de participer à une journée de réflexion et d'échange sur les avancées de l'IA générative et ses applications croissantes dans divers domaines.

What can philosophy bring to business management?

What is the role of philosophy in business? A majority of executives, faced with the need to be competitive, would probably reject the question itself, with a "what do we care?" attitude. Indeed, a still widespread corporate mindset considers the "humanities" as a charming but useless hobby. The concern of contemplatives, so to speak. In business, one might say, we don't have the luxury of contemplation. In the reign of competition, there would therefore be little room for the abstract and inapplicable considerations of a few enlightened people who have really too much free time.

ChatGPT and the Three Illusions

Since its release in November 2022, ChatGPT is the new big thing in town, in turn attracting attention to large language models (LLM) more broadly, and to the progress of artificial intelligence (AI) in general. The purpose of this article is to address what I call the Three Illusions of AI: the illusion of truth, the illusion of neutrality and the illusion of thinking, and to open the discussion on the difference between intelligence and inspiration, between generating and creating.