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The Acceptability of Norms: A Challenge of Our Time

Nowadays, the term "norm" does not have a good reputation. The public perception is one of an accumulation of increasingly complex and distant norms. Of a technocratic superstructure where economic power dominates and dissolves political power. This growing public perception of the distant and technocratic nature of increasingly numerous norms results in a decreasing acceptance from citizens. How, then, to renew in our contemporary societies the acceptability of norms after the collapse of traditional authorities that founded their legitimacy for several centuries?

Qu'ont gaigné nos legislateurs à choisir cent mille espèces et faicts particuliers, et y attacher cent mille loix ? Ce nombre n'a aucune proportion avec l'infinie diversité des actions humaines. [...] Nous avons en France plus de lois que tout le reste du monde ensemble, et plus qu'il n'en faudroit pour reigler tous les mondes d'Epicurus.